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Happy New Year 2024!

Updated: Jan 10

Roz Sohnen filmmaker, writer, teacher

The newsletter: January 2024 5/6th Edition


This is a still frame from my first film, PINK, shot in 16mm. (Distributed by Phoenix Films, Inc.) As January seems to be a time of reflection, I looked at this once again.

Why did I choose this profession and make this film?

I became a filmmaker/screenwriter because I didn’t see the people I knew reflected on the screen and I wanted to tell stories about those characters. I still feel that those stories are important. Why do you write?

My background is visual, so I think in images. I started out as an artist/painter/illustrator drawing the images in my head. I have always been an artist and I enjoy supporting others in their creative journeys. It is my goal to inspire you, to guide you and to share what I know so that your journey will be more satisfying.

One of my mentors, the author, Mary Carroll Moore has labeled the three elements of the creative artist’s life. WILL, VISION, and COMFORT.

WILL: The action part of the creative process. That includes writing scenes, pages, organizing the three act structure, and basically sitting in that chair in front of the computer. Without taking action, nothing happens.

VISION: Perhaps the most difficult of the three. So, as I begin a new year, I look at what I am working on. I make a list of what I think is working, not what I would like to work. Starting with what works always builds my confidence. What supports my writing? (Friends? Writing groups? Classes?)

COMFORT: The time we spend contemplating ideas, finding inspiration, researching, reading, viewing films, all of which are necessary to get to the point of taking action. If I do not have enough comfort, I often feel bad about myself and my work. This is really about going deeper. It’s how we fill the well.

Some questions that might help you get started:

1. What do you love about your writing?

2. What are you proud of having done with your writing this past year?

3. What taught you the most about your writing this past year?

4. What craft skills do you most need to improve?

5. How could you improve them?

6. How could you get more support with your writing?

Writing is usually a solitary endeavor. I always want more time to devote to my writing, but I realize that teaching fills me up in other ways and I enjoy the connection with students.

What screenplays have you read this year? What movies have you seen? What did you see that you wish you had written? Of the films you have seen, examine the ones you were less satisfied with. Why? What would you have done differently?

My favorite film this past year was the French film, ANATOMY OF A FALL written and directed by Justine Triet. A gripping court room drama that had me questioning whether the protagonist was guilty.

The film I was most disappointed in was MAESTRO written and directed by Bradley Cooper. I found it empty. The heart of the story was missing.

Think about the individual scenes. What moves you? Why do you care?

The next round of classes will begin in April 2024. Schedule a phone call with me to discuss your work. Together we can decide what the best course of action for you might be.

Check out my youtube channel:

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